【摘要】The beginning of intraplate (diwa type) activization must be attributed to Early Proterozoic, When thick continental earthcrust and thermodynamic conditions close to the present had estahlished.Precambrian activization (protodiwa) induced hypogene structural recaworking, deepseated laults and troughs development, gabbro-granite and subalkaline magtnatizm, zone metamorphism, magmatogenic and hydrothermal ore production,whicll proceeded regularly, that allows their timing.Protodiwa metallogeny contrasts with the previous Precambrian due to relatively increased petrogenic and ore elements differentiation. Elements of various geochemical origins and noncharacteristic of Early Precambrian are found.ore deposition appears determined by gabbro-diorite-granite, gabbroumonzonite-syenite-granite, gabbro-anorthosite-rapakivi granite differentiated magmatic series. Elements mode is controlled both by fractional crystallization and the alliance with fluid phase.Throughout Late Proterozoic diwa geodynamics remained uniform, the most intensive on the fringe of Early Proterozoic folded belts. This allows us suggest the post-collisional subduction activating mantle and lower litosphere, and mantle diapirs formation the motive forces of protodiwa activization.
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《重庆高教研究》 2015-06-26
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